IN2PAST Seminar: Forensic Heritage
IN2PAST Seminar forensic heritage First Operationalization Attempt Seminar 03/03/2023 02:00 – 04:00 pm NOVA FCSH (Colégio Almada Negreiros) ONLINE, VIA ZOOM Exploratory project ‘Landscapes of terror, violence, and forensic heritages in the postcolonial Lusophone space’ aims to develop a research agenda on how violence is inscribed in memory and heritage regimes within the post-colonial context […]
we are Hiring communication MANaGEr opportunity 27/02/2023 LISBOn A recruitment procedure is open to hire a Science Communication Manager, with an ‘uncertain term’ contract (contrato de trabalho a termo resolutivo incerto), within the scope of the multi-annual funding program contract of Associate Laboratory IN2PAST – LA/P/0132/2020. job summary Development of IN2PAST’s internal communication; Development of […]