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At InART2024

Project 'Van Goyen' goes to Norway

Documentary teaser presented in Oslo


The official teaser for the documentary film about IN2PAST’s exploratory project ‘The Materials and Techniques of Jan van Goyen: A Technical Study of Eight Small Paintings’ has just been premiered in Oslo, Norway, at InART2024 – 6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology.

Project PI Sara Valadas, HERCULES – University of Évora / IN2PAST researcher, presented the video during her oral communication ‘Unlocking van Goyen´s panels: a comprehensive study integrating dendrochronology, x-ray CT, and database comparison for technical art historical paintings insights’.  InART2024 started today, June 4th, and runs until Friday, June 6th.

Funded by IN2PAST, project ‘Van Goyen’ is the result of a partnership with the Medeiros e Almeida Museum, in Lisbon, owner of the paintings under study. The team used a variety of analysis techniques, including X-ray computed tomography and dendrochronological dating (the same method used to determine the age of a tree based on the growth of its trunk rings) to identify the wooden boards used by Van Goyen.