This project aims to shed new light on the techniques and materials used by Jan van Goyen (1596-1656), well-known as one of the first landscape painters, in small paintings that are often overlooked in comparison to his larger works. By focusing on a set of eight paintings belonging to the Museu Medeiros e Almeida (Lisbon) collection, the project seeks to gain insight into van Goyen’s artistic process, including his use of pigments, binders, and other materials.
This collection is a testimony to the various phases of the artist’s activity, which spanned from the 1620s until the early 1650s. The eight paintings come from distinguished European collections and were acquired between 1955 and 1958.
The project will use a range of technical analysis techniques, including pigment, layer, and preparation analysis, to gain a better understanding of the materials and techniques used by van Goyen. The team will also use dendrochronological dating to identify the wooden panels used by van Goyen and determine their age and provenance.
This project contributes to Thematic Lines TL1 and TL3.
Project partners
Research Team
IMAGES ‘The Passage’/ ‘View Near Scheveningen’, 1644, oil on wood © Medeiros e Almeida Museum | ‘Landscape in good weather’, 1625, oil on wood © Medeiros e Almeida Museum
2025 © IN2PAST. All rights reserved.
IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory is funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. under reference LA/P/0132/2020 (DOI 10.54499/LA/P/0132/2020)