As part of the celebrations of the centenary of Amílcar Cabral’s birth, and after the launch in Coimbra, Portugal, the books ‘Cabral Ka Mori – Catálogo de “Amílcar Cabral, Uma Exposição”’ and ‘O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral’ (‘The World of Amílcar Cabral’) will be presented in Lisbon, on Saturday, September the 14th, at 4:30 pm, at the Cape Verde Cultural Centre (Centro Cultural de Cabo Verde).
Presented by the authors, IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST researchers José Neves and Leonor Pires Martins, ‘Cabral Ka Mori’, published by Tinta da China, reflects the exhibition held at Palácio Baldaya (Baldaya Palace), in Benfica, Lisbon, between March and June in 2023, guiding us through 50 objects that reveal moments and places in Amílcar Cabral’s life, evoking the perceptions and experiences of those who knew, observed, admired, portrayed or celebrated him.
‘Amílcar Cabral, an Exhibition’ was an initiative by the Comissão Comemorativa 50 anos 25 de Abril (Commemorative Commission for the 50th anniversary of ‘25 de Abril’), in partnership with IN2PAST, Junta de Freguesia (local council) of Benfica, Amílcar Cabral Foundation, TCHIWEKA Documentation Association, and the Mário Soares and Maria Barroso Foundation.
‘O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral’, published by Edições Fora de Jogo and organised by IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST researchers José Neves, Rui Lopes, and Víctor Barros, will be presented by IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST researchers Manuela Ribeiro Sanches and Raquel Ribeiro. The book collects studies by specialists and testimonies from Cabral’s contemporaries, inviting the reader to explore the history and current affairs of countries as diverse as Cuba, France, Sweden and Algeria, among others that crossed paths with Amílcar Cabral.
This double book presentation is open to anyone interested.
2025 © IN2PAST. All rights reserved.
IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory is funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. under reference LA/P/0132/2020 (DOI 10.54499/LA/P/0132/2020)
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