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Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects 3rd edition – Results

IN2PAST Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects 3rd edition From 3D modelling of a Romanesque chapel to collaborative digital musealisation of Kamayurá artefacts Four projects, 32 researchers, seven research units 23/07/2024 Four projects have been approved under the 3rd edition of the IN2PAST Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects, 2024/2025: ‘Exploring the role of raw […]

Archaeology Summer School in Braga

By HERCULES & Lab2PT / IN2PAST Archaeology Summer School welcomes technicians and students from eight universities At the D. Diogo Sousa Museum, in Braga 19/07/2024 (updated 26/6/2024) In addition to technicians from the D. Diogo de Sousa Museum of Archaeology, the Summer School ‘Analytical Techniques and Digital Technologies in the Context of Archaeological Excavation’ brought […]

In2Future Boot Camp in pictures

In2Future Boot Camp in pictures Évora, May 18 – 24 03/06/2024 IN2PAST’s first Doctoral School, which took place from May 18th until the 24th in Évora, was filled with moments to be handed down to posterity (or ‘para mais tarde recordar‘, as we also say in Portuguese). Here is a glimpse into some of these […]

Project Van Goyen goes to Norway

At InART2024 Project ‘Van Goyen’ goes to Norway Documentary teaser presented in Oslo 04/06/2024 The official teaser for the documentary film about IN2PAST’s exploratory project ‘The Materials and Techniques of Jan van Goyen: A Technical Study of Eight Small Paintings’ has just been premiered in Oslo, Norway, at InART2024 – 6th International Conference on Innovation […]

what future can we give to the past (and the present)?

Music and the idea of heritage ‘what future can we give to the past (and the present)?’ IN2PAST at Festival imaterial 20/05/2024 A packed room for Paulo Ferreira de Castro‘s lecture on ‘music and the idea of heritage’, held yesterday, May 19th, in Évora, as part of Festival Imaterial, the ‘IN2PAST PhD Talks’ Series and […]

The concept of revolution in 19th and 20th century Portuguese parliamentary debates

Fotografia a preto e branco da Sala das Sessões da Assembleia da República com o I Governo Constitucional em 1976.

‘25 de Abril’ and Portuguese democracy The concept of revolution in 19th and 20th century Portuguese parliamentary debates IN2PAST project selected by FCT 17/04/2024 IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory has won the Call ‘O 25 de Abril e a democracia portuguesa’ (“The ‘25 de Abril’ and […]

The challenges of patrimonialization in the era of reconciliation in Angola: a visual itinerary

Celebrating DIMS’24 The challenges of patrimonialization in the era of reconciliation in Angola a visual itinerary through the divergent spaces of social memory visual itinerary 18/04/2024 ONLINE Organization Ruy Blanes (CRIA – Iscte / IN2PAST) Free admission ‘The challenges of patrimonialization in the era of reconciliation in Angola: a visual itinerary through the divergent spaces […]

Decolonizing Museums and Colonial Collections TRANSMAT International Conference Call for Papers

TRANSMAT | IN2PAST 2025 International Conference – Call for Abstracts Decolonizing Museums and Colonial Collections Towards a Transdisciplinary Agenda and Methods 28/03/2024 CONFERENCE – Open Call Until 30/04/2024 registration organization Elisabete Pereira (IHC – University of Évora / IN2PAST), Robert T. Nyamushosho (Queens College, City University of New York), Marília Xavier Cury (Museu de Arqueologia […]

2024 FCT PhD Studentships in a Non-academic Environment

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FCT PhD Studentships in a Non-academic Environment proposals accepted until April 2nd, 2024 07/03/2024 Deadline of pre-application to IN2PAST: April 2nd, 2024Closing of applications: April 18th (5 pm)Place of work: Laboratório Associado IN2PAST – several locationsFunding agency: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research […]

HERCULES confirms Hercule Florence as pioneer of Photography, a story

Antonio Florence brings unpublished documentary to IN2PAST’s 4th Meeting The story of the analyses by HERCULES that confirmed Hercule Florence as a pioneer of Photography International partnership takes 200-year-old photographic artefacts to Évora 23/02/2024 ‘In June 2022, the Hercule Florence Institute brought together world experts in chemistry and conservation to analyse pictures that survived nearly […]