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Incentive Call to

Individual Scientific Employment





IN2PAST, Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory, welcomes applications for six-year Research Contracts, funded by the Portuguese public agency Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), acting as host institution, in the framework of the sixth edition of the Incentive Call to Individual Scientific Employment.

in2past deadline

April 4, 2023 


April 14, 2023

Call Deadline

May 3, 2023

Recently established, IN2PAST is the first Associate Laboratory in the field of Humanities and encompasses seven research centres, located in four Portuguese cities. It is dedicated to the preservation, study and promotion of cultural heritage, generating intensive collaborative relations between: 1) academic, laboratory-based, theoretical, and empirical research; 2) public policies concerning the domains of cultural heritage, arts, and civic memory; 3) an important set of Portuguese cultural institutions and facilities, namely monuments, museums, archives, archaeological sites, and natural parks.

The study and promotion of cultural heritage finds in IN2PAST a perfect institutional environment, encouraging the establishment of connections between tangible and intangible (including digital) cultural heritage. Bringing together scientific areas often set apart by academic tradition, IN2PAST extends its operations from laboratorial innovation in the field of heritage sciences to the design of public policies of collective memory, favouring the emergence of an integrated vision with the related partners and stakeholders.

Prospective applicants should present their research plan bearing in mind IN2PAST’s Thematic Lines of research, as well as the conditions set forth in the Scientific Employment Incentive programme. Applicants with a relevant track record of securing funding for their research activities are especially welcomed.

To apply, please send us the following documents and information by April 6, 2023:

A summary of the work plan (in English; max. 5000 characters);

The applicable contract level (Junior/Assistant/Principal/ Coordinator) and disciplinary panel; A detailed Curriculum vitae;

A letter of motivation explaining your trajectory in the last five years and the relevance of your achievements (max. 5000 characters);

One copy of a relevant publication.

Consult here the IN2PAST Thematic Lines (TL).

Please submit your application material or any questions that may arise to Pedro Martins via the email