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The Cister.Hor project

The story of the color blue in liturgical codices of the Alcobaça scriptorium

‘When Science and Technology Intersect with Arts and Literature’ Videoconferences



6:00 pm

Free admittance

What is so special about the use of the azurite pigment in medieval illuminated manuscripts from the scriptorium of the Monastery of Santa Maria d’Alcobaça? That is what HERCULES/ IN2PAST researcher Catarina Miguel is going to explain at the second session of the 5th International Series of Videoconferences ‘When Science and Technology Intersect with Arts and Literature’.

Titled ‘The Cister.Hor project and the story of the color blue in the liturgical codices of the early days of the Alcobaça scriptorium’, it will take place on March 5th, at 6 pm, in a screen near you.

Catarina’s presentation will focus on the study of an extraordinary set of 11 illuminated manuscripts, following an interdisciplinary approach, which resulted in the precise redating, and characterization, of the introduction of azurite in the Alcobaça scriptorium, the most important of these medieval monastery/ convent ‘studies’ in Portugal. This research was carried out under project ‘Cistercian Horizons – Studying and Characterizing a Medieval Scriptorium and its Production: Alcobaça, dialogues between local identities and liturgical uniformity’ (PTDC/ART-HIS/29522/2017).

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Catarina Miguel (HERCULES – University of Évora / IN2PAST)


Missal according to the Cistercian rite (BNP, Alc. 26), Alcobaça codex currently in the National Library of Portugal.

Catarina Miguel, with Silvia Bottura-Scardina (University of Malta) and Catarina Fernandes Barreira (IEM – NOVA FCSH), Cister.Hor PI, and again with Silvia and Manuel Plácido, then Cister.Hor research fellow.