Workshops, documentaries, exhibitions, book presentations, theatre, photographic, video and sound installations, music (with DJ Set ‘Músicas da Luta’ and Nené Pereira)… you will find all this and much more at the ‘Amílcar Generation and Commemorations in Coimbra of Amílcar Cabral’s Centenary’ (‘Amílcar Geração e Comemorações em Coimbra do Centenário de Amílcar Cabral’), which will occupy several venues in the city of Coimbra from next Wednesday, September 4th, until the 13th, with two exhibitions running until September 27th and another until October 26th.
The event is organised by A Escola da Noite – Coimbra Theatre Group and Cena Lusófona – Portuguese Association for Theatre Exchange, in partnership with various organisations, including IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory.
Amílcar Cabral was born in Bafatá, Guinea-Bissau, on September 12th, 1924.
The opening session takes place at 6 pm on the 4th, at the Coimbra Municipal Library, with free admission, and speeches by Víctor Barros, researcher at IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST, Maria Inácia Rezola, executive commissioner of the Mission Structure for the Commemorations of the fiftieth anniversary of the April 25th, 1974 Revolution, Julião Soares Sousa, historian and biographer of Amílcar Cabral, Teresa Cravo, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, and Francisco Queirós, Coimbra City Council councillor responsible for the Municipal Library.
The session includes a presentation of the book ‘O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral’ (‘The World of Amílcar Cabral’), published by Edições Fora de Jogo and organised by IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST researchers José Neves, Rui Lopes and Víctor Barros, and a guided tour of the exhibition ‘Remembering Amílcar Cabral’, promoted by the Coimbra Municipal Library.
From the series’s full programme, which you can check here, we also highlight: the workshop ‘How to keep Amílcar Cabral alive. Presentation of ‘Cabral Ka Mori – catalogue of an exhibition’’, with José Neves and rapper Flávio Almada (LBC), on September 10th, at 6 pm, in the Jorge Pais de Sousa Room at Cena Lusófona, with free admission;
For information and bookings, please call 239 718 238 or 966 302 488, or email
Online ticket office.
and the presentation of the book ‘Análise de Alguns Tipos de Resistência, de Amílcar Cabral’ (Edições Fora de Jogo, organised by José Neves, Rui Lopes and Inês Galvão, anthropologist and science manager at INET-md – NOVA FCSH), with Inês Galvão and Sara Araújo, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, on September 11th at 6 pm, at the Bar/Bookshop of the Cerca de São Bernardo Theatre (Bar/Livraria do Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo, or TCSB), also free admission.
The vast programme of exhibitions and installations also includes the exhibit ‘A Portuguese Communist in Liberated Guinea’ (Report by a correspondent from Rádio Portugal Livre’ (‘Um comunista português na Guiné Libertada. Reportagem de um correspondente da Rádio Portugal Livre)’ – a brochure published by the Portuguese Communist Party, with the transcript of a report by Aurélio Santos in 1971, which will be on show until September 27th in the Jorge Pais de Sousa Room at Cena Lusófona (free admission), and the video installation ‘Mikko Pyhälä in the liberated regions of Guinea-Bissau’, by Mikko Pyhälä, which will be on show until September 13th in the TCSB foyer (free admission).
2025 © IN2PAST. All rights reserved.
IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory is funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. under reference LA/P/0132/2020 (DOI 10.54499/LA/P/0132/2020)
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