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IN2PAST Field Trip Problems of Primitivism

Weekend in Guimarães ‘Problems of Primitivism’ Meetings and Visit to Lab2PT An IN2PAST Field Trip Field Trip 28-29/09/2024 From 2 pm Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães Av. Conde Margaride, 175, 4810-525 Guimarães organization IN2PAST, CIAJG, BUALA, Lab2PT The first IN2PAST Field Trip will take place on September 28 and 29 in Guimarães, with […]

Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects 3rd edition – Results

IN2PAST Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects 3rd edition From 3D modelling of a Romanesque chapel to collaborative digital musealisation of Kamayurá artefacts Four projects, 32 researchers, seven research units 23/07/2024 Four projects have been approved under the 3rd edition of the IN2PAST Call for Funding of Exploratory Projects, 2024/2025: ‘Exploring the role of raw […]

Aristides de Sousa Mendes Museum official inauguration

At Casa do Passal, Cabanas de Viriato, Carregal do Sal Aristides de Sousa Mendes Museum officially inaugurated With scientific curatorship by IHC’s Cláudia Ninhos Museum inauguration 19/07/2024 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Casa do Passal – Museu Aristides de Sousa Mendes Cabanas de Viriato, Carregal do Sal organization Fundação Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Sousa Mendes […]

Archaeology Summer School in Braga

By HERCULES & Lab2PT / IN2PAST Archaeology Summer School welcomes technicians and students from eight universities At the D. Diogo Sousa Museum, in Braga 19/07/2024 (updated 26/6/2024) In addition to technicians from the D. Diogo de Sousa Museum of Archaeology, the Summer School ‘Analytical Techniques and Digital Technologies in the Context of Archaeological Excavation’ brought […]

Talk mural painting and revolution

‘Imagem e Revolução’ Series of Talks Mural painting and revolution From Júlio Pomar’s works for the Batalha movie theatre talk 11/07/2024 5 pm Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar Rua do Vale, 7, 1200-472, Lisbon Free admission The mural paintings by Júlio Pomar for the Batalha movie theatre, in Porto (1947), are the starting point for the second […]

HERCULES and Lab2PT / IN2PAST Summer School

HERCULES & Lab2PT / IN2PAST Summer School Analytical Techniques and Digital Technologies in the Context of Archaeological Excavation Pre-registration until July 12th Summer School 15-19/07/2024 2:00 – 4/5:00 pm Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntários, 4700-025 Braga Free admission Registration until July 12th Contact If you’re an archaeology student, […]

Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research Conference

International Conference Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research Methodologies, Projects and Challenges Conference 27-29/06/2024 9 am – 7:15 pm Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Auditorium B2 & Room B413, Tower B, Av, de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061 Lisbon Registration €90 (Standard); €40 (Student) The ongoing digital revolution holds the potential […]

Talk ‘Photography and Revolution’

‘Imagem e Revolução’ Series of Talks Photography and Revolution From Uliano Lucas’ work talk 27/06/2024 5 pm Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar Rua do Vale, 7, 1200-472, Lisbon Free admission Photography book ‘Revoluções – Guiné-Bissau, Angola e Portugal (1969-1974)’, by italian photojournalist Uliano Lucas, is the starting point for the first talk of the series ‘Imagem e […]

Image and Revolution series of talks

Ciclo de conversas Imagem e Revolução ‘Image and Revolution’ series of talks Organized by IHA / IN2PAST and Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar Series of Talks 27/06-17/10/2024 5 pm Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar Rua do Vale, 7, 1200-472, Lisbon organization IHA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST (Afonso Dias Ramos, Mariana Pinto dos Santos, Susana S. Martins) w/ Atelier-Museu […]

In2Future Boot Camp in pictures

In2Future Boot Camp in pictures Évora, May 18 – 24 03/06/2024 IN2PAST’s first Doctoral School, which took place from May 18th until the 24th in Évora, was filled with moments to be handed down to posterity (or ‘para mais tarde recordar‘, as we also say in Portuguese). Here is a glimpse into some of these […]